Duties of the Fourth Deputy Leader

After selecting his subordinates, the fourth deputy leader sends the names and required documents of the supervisors to the leadership office. After the leadership approves, the members can start working. The deputy is required to receive the monthly performance report from the supervisors and inform them at the leadership meeting.
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Land and property manager

This office is required to send property and land documents to the Central Registry Office after reviewing and approving them.
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Head of Civil and Marriage Registry

This office is required to issue a child's certificate upon receipt of valid birth certificates from the family. This document is valid until the issuance of a passport. All couples must appear at this location with two witnesses and register their marriage.
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Head of National Statistics

The National Statistics Center is required to provide information and expertise on the results of its statistics to the public and the government every year. This department is required to provide the annual number of births and deaths, the total number of people of different ages, both men and women, marriage and divorce statistics, production and export statistics, residential buildings, vehicles in traffic and total vehicles, the number of university students, the number of various animals, tourism statistics, and other government needs. The government should also adjust its annual planning based on the available statistics and provide information on its own website.
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Supervisor of Notification and Follow-up of Sentences and Inspection of the Country

This department is responsible for communicating all government decrees and laws to government departments and for following up on the implementation of the decrees.
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Government Administrative and Recruitment Supervisor

This department is responsible for recruiting and introducing the experts needed by the government. The selection and appointment of employees is carried out only by this department.
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Securities documents supervisor

Securities, including shares of companies and institutions, company guarantee bonds, purchase and sale documents, and government bonds, are kept in this location.
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Administrative management of public relations and spokesperson of the deputy

This department is responsible for hiring all employees and personnel needed by the deputy, supervising their affairs, preparing the deputy's monthly performance report and submitting it to the supervisor, and answering journalists' questions through the deputy's spokesperson.
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Head of the country's camps

This department is required to establish camps in the required areas of the country, control and provide the necessary items, and submit a report on its performance to the head of the Fourth Deputy Leader. Convicted persons are kept in these camps. These persons are required to work according to the orders of the camp officials and will not receive any wages in return. Only illiterate and unemployed criminals receive wages. Each of the camps has sleeping quarters, a dining hall, sports facilities, and study rooms. The population of each camp will be 100 people.
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The Central Registry Office of the Country

In this office, all types of companies, institutions, associations, and active political and social groups and financial institutions are registered. The purchase and sale of real estate, land, and cars are registered by this office.
