This decree is specific to Iran. The leader of any country can use this decree.
The first leader is chosen by the Phoenix. All orders of the leader are communicated by the Pirmoghan to the Persians of Iran.
The country is headed by the leader. The deputy leaders each have their own specific duties. The affairs of the country are managed by the deputies. Every week, the deputies report their performance to the leader and a new decree is issued by the leader.
Iran is divided into 32 provinces (provinces), each headed by a satrap. All state affairs are managed by the satraps. The state budget is financed by the satraps. Each province purchases oil from the central government in proportion to its population, and the state budget is financed by the sale of oil derivatives, the export of domestic products, and the collection of taxes. All satraps are required to submit their financial and performance reports to their superiors every week. The commander of the Han Guard, with the approval of the second deputy leader of each province, can be the satrap of that province.
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All decrees of the Supreme Leader will be annexed to the Constitution and their implementation is mandatory. Until the articles of the Constitution are fully prepared, the laws issued by the Supreme Leader's Council will be implemented.
The Persian government has no enmity with any country, nation, or individual who oppressed our people. We extend a hand of friendship to them. Our policy is non-partisan. Developing the economy with domestic production and exports, and developing tourism and investment are part of our foreign policy.
General amnesty for all Iranians, including criminals inside and outside the country from the Pahlavi era to the present day. All those who held positions in previous governments will be pardoned. No punishment will be imposed on them. If they have taken property from the people, they can return it to the government treasury. They can live in the holy land of Iran like others. Freedom for all prisoners in prison. If they are found to have committed a violation, they will be transferred to a labor camp for the settlement of Shahr, Kavir, and Kouh until the end of their sentence. If they are repeated, they will be exiled to the islands and forced labor until the end of their lives. All current military, army, and security forces must continue to work. We need your presence.
The province of Fars will be the capital of the Persian government. The cities of this province are the capital district. Shiraz will be the center of the capital and the place where politicians, the leader's assistants, and important members of the deputy leaders will meet with foreign guests. The cities of the province of Fars will be the place where the satraps of the province will be established. Each governor will be based in a city of the province. All the staff of the governor's office will be based in their respective province. The deputy governors will work for the governor in the same city.
One Parseh coin is worth one twentieth of a gram of world gold. The Parseh currency can be used in all countries under contract.
The official date of the country will be 2580, 12 months and 365 days. The first day of Farvardin is the new year. All Persian days must be observed.
Transferring prisons to entrepreneurs and knowledge-based companies. Criminals will go to camps after a trial. Serious crimes will be transferred to an island for life as forced labor.
There will be no executions in the holy land of Iran. Any crime of terror, murder, life imprisonment will be transferred to a labor camp on the islands.
We welcome all Iranians inside and outside the country who can help form the Parsian government to come together, exchange information, make suggestions, and offer any theories or accept positions. Wherever you are in the world, professors, researchers, military scholars, politicians, and specialists, even groups or organizations, and even radio and television, writers, and journalists who can cooperate in forming the Parsian government, we will gladly welcome them.
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