Duties of the Eighth Deputy

After selecting his subordinates, the Eighth Deputy Leader sends the names and required documents of the supervisors to the Leadership Office. After the Leadership approves, the members can begin work. The Deputy Leader is required to receive the monthly performance report from the supervisors and inform them at the Leadership meeting.
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Production and industry quality management

This department is responsible for controlling all production and ensuring full compliance with the required standards. If found, first a warning will be issued, then a fine, and if the violation continues, the location will be closed and the managers will be prosecuted.
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Production control management

This department will control and plan Iranian production and will plan domestically needed goods after examining the needs.
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Economics and production management

The main economy of the state is in production. The government is obliged to export after domestic consumption. Production is the basis of the government's work. The government is obliged to cooperate and invest in production.
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Business Management

This department is made up of experienced and educated businessmen who work in various fields. A group is involved in the development of domestic products and plans export projects to benefit the producers. A group will examine domestic and foreign needs and inform the producers. A group will issue the balance of domestic needs after the country has approved exports.
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Mines Management

This department is only responsible for identifying the country's mines and extracting them if the country needs them and if they are cost-effective. The mines are a trust that is in our possession and are needed for future consumption.
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Industrial Management

This department is responsible for advising the country's industries and managing them without any dependency and completely independently.
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Head of the Oil Department

The head of this department is required to sell his oil products only to regulators. Exporters of crude oil are prohibited.
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Head of Petrochemical Department

The government is obligated to build petrochemical factories in all provinces of the country and place them at the disposal of the governor of each province. The governor, after determining the province, can export the products.
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Head of Gas Department

The government's policy is to provide gas to all residential and industrial areas in the country. All power plants, factories, producers, and hot water for consumption and heating of residential complexes, if completed, can be converted to LNG and distributed at gas stations and exported in LNG tanks.

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