Duties of the Ninth Deputy

After selecting his subordinates, the ninth deputy leader sends the names and required documents of the supervisors to the leadership office. After the leadership approves, the members can start working. The deputy is required to receive the monthly performance report from the supervisors and inform them at the leadership meeting.
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Administrative management of public relations and spokesperson of the deputy

After the selection of the administrative director of public relations and the spokesperson for the Ninth Deputy Leader by the Ninth Deputy Leader and the approval of the Leader, this department is required to participate in all meetings of the heads of the First Deputy Leader's Office, summarize the activities of this department, answer questions from journalists in the presence of journalists, and manage the information website of the department. This department is required to hire all employees and personnel needed by the department, supervise their affairs, prepare the monthly performance report of the department and submit it to the supervisor. The questions of journalists are answered by the spokesperson of the department.
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Construction materials production management

The supplier of building materials is required to have complete supervision over the production of building materials factories, and compliance with the necessary standards is mandatory. Construction of a ready-mix concrete factory for buildings up to 5 floors.
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Urban development management

This department is required to consider suitable settlements around cities and wasteland with water, electricity, sewage, and gas supplies, and stores that provide necessities for residents, and to use the necessary standards in the construction of settlements.
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Road and building management

This department is responsible for constructing many highways and must be careful in selecting specialist managers for land, air, sea, and rail. It must also supervise the construction and provision of roads, remove obstructions, and exercise the necessary care in supervising mass construction.
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Urban transportation management

Urban water and wastewater management in the country
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Housing construction management

The construction of any building requires a government permit. Any construction without a permit will be confiscated and the builders will be punished. This department is responsible for buying and selling housing, land, and renting out premises. It also collects statistics on housing needs annually and on the provision of housing.
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Urban water and wastewater management in the country

Providing water for cities is one of the duties of urban planning. Providing water from rivers, springs, and groundwater, collecting urban rainwater and storing it underground in storage areas for water to be used, constructing modern water treatment plants, and transferring water to sanitary pipes throughout the city are the responsibility of this department. Urban wastewater piping and constructing equipped water treatment plants in necessary locations in the city. Collecting rainwater in cities after purification and adding it to the urban water storage.
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Head of the Oil Department

The head of this department is required to sell his oil products only to regulators. Exporters of crude oil are prohibited.
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مدیریت خدمات شهری کشور

Collecting urban waste and cleaning the city, building green spaces and numerous parks, preventing graffiti, installing garbage collection containers throughout the streets, preserving the environment, establishing local markets in cities, installing urban signs, marking streets for driving, installing advertising signs in advertising areas, installing signs for driving, and preventing the traffic of air-polluting cars, building city bus stations, and constructing electric passenger bus tracks, building numerous public parking lots in cities, and providing services to schools, factories, and offices.
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مدیریت گاز و برق رسانی شهری

The Persian Government's Intelligence and Security Organization is responsible for collecting and processing security and cross-border intelligence, information protection, counter-espionage activities, and combating terrorism.

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