Duties of the Second Deputy

After selecting his subordinates, the second deputy leader sends the names and required documents of the supervisors to the leadership office. After the leadership approves, the members can start working. The deputy is required to receive the monthly performance report from the supervisors and inform them at the leadership meeting.
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Head of Information and Security

The Persian Government's Intelligence and Security Organization is responsible for collecting and processing security and cross-border intelligence, information protection, counter-espionage activities, and combating terrorism.
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Head of Traffic Department

Traffic control on urban and suburban roads, monitoring the performance of driving schools (first, second, third grade), and issuing national and international licenses to applicants
Supervising the implementation of the vehicle technical inspection law, issuing public vehicle manuals
Investigating and controlling accidents, handling driving violations, preventing road accidents
Developing, issuing, and communicating instructions in all areas related to transportation and road traffic
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Aerospace Commander

Iran ranks first in the Middle East and eleventh in the world in the field of aerospace. We will take first place in the world.
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Overseas Commander

Consisting of the most elite warriors (serfs) who carry out their duties abroad
Extraterritorial operations in international law are law enforcement or military operations conducted outside the territory or jurisdiction of a state. Under international law, these activities are generally very limited and if a state engages in law enforcement or military operations inside another state without obtaining that state's consent, it is considered a violation of the sovereignty of a state.
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Police Chief

The police's duty is to maintain and secure cities, issue passports and control the entry and exit of foreign and Iranian citizens from the country, deal with violators and refer them to judicial authorities, and take care of criminals.
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Ground Forces Command

The ground forces are required to train the serving pioneers for the defensive combat military course. The number of training soldiers in each province will be 3,000 soldiers. Men and women must register for the military service at the age of 18. The course for men is two years and for women is one year. During this time, they must complete several courses: first, bodybuilding, second, military, third, specialized course, and pioneer course. They must commit to being part of the reserve force until they are 40 years old and to help in emergencies as scouts under the command of the governor of each city.
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Administrative management of public relations and spokesperson of the deputy

This department is responsible for hiring all employees and personnel needed by the deputy, supervising their affairs, preparing the deputy's monthly performance report and submitting it to the supervisor, and answering journalists' questions through the deputy's spokesperson.
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Air Force Command

The air force in most countries is the part of each country's armed forces that is responsible for air combat.
The air force usually uses a variety of aircraft, including fighters, bombers, and transport aircraft.
In some countries, military tasks related to space (such as launching and operating spy satellites or intercontinental ballistic missiles) are also the responsibility of its air force.
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Naval Command

The navy is a part of the armed forces of a country, which is responsible for protecting the country's national interests within its territorial waters, exclusive economic zone, and international waters.
